Double Vision
Yolanda Mack and Sue Davis have come together for “Double Vision” as their work has parallels which come from the possession of freedom and utterly failing to understand the pigeon holing of gender or place. Colour and line are used as material equal to other materials. Their life involvement with their work, dedicated and breathing many forms of art brings a rich show to the Poly.
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30/09/2024 to 5/10/2024
“Impulse” is the eighth exhibition Falmouth artists, Lesley Harry, Jane Smith, and Sue Davis have held together. The disciplines of print, glass, ceramic, and mixed media complement each other. Once again stimulating, the interplay of their work, and often linked to a shared colour palette, has created an exciting show.
The Title “Impulse” is a response to their working process and the creative tensions navigated when forming an exhibition. People will bring their own experience, thoughts, or mood to the exhibition. Some will see shadow play while others will look for solidity, today. Tomorrow, pools of light and dancing dew will be missed or enjoyed, atmosphere and sounds will bring hope or distraction. Whilst working freely, they acknowledge the diverse richness where they live, both historic and current, which informs their work.

‘Lode ‘ is the culmination of years observing and exploring the mining heritage of West Penwith. The windswept cliffs, abandoned mine workings, rocks that ‘bleed’ minerals, and precipitous ledges of fauna, have all been mined for inspiration. This is the rugged, sublime, otherworldly aspect of Cornwall, towering over the tantalising surfing beaches and more than a match for the gaudy hotspots. An edgy landscape loaded with treasure.
Sue Davis, Lesley Harry and Jane Smith have exhibited together for over 6 years.
Sue and Jane will be at the gallery on May 18th and June 1st from 11am to 3pm. Lesley will join us on June 8th.

“Now We are Three”
For this exhibition I am exploring borders by breaking out from the conventional rectangle. Using different media to unpack the shifting feelings and uncertainties emanating as much from the materials as from the heart of the journey. Resulting in a perpetual state of lightness and becoming.
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Open Studio
My studio in Falmouth is open, It would be lovely to meet you and show you some of my new work.
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Chapel Arts
Chapel Arts Gallery, Knapp Road Cheltenham GL50 3QQ. Open wed – Sat 10am–4pm 18th March – 16th May. EXTENDED TO AUGUST
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Curved Air
A little bit of film about the interaction of this work. The pieces can be turned, adjusted and rearanged.
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